Alphas-N / Liquid Nitriding

Alphas-N is a Pollution-Free salt bath nitriding which provides several benefits over traditional Gas or Ion Nitriding.
Our Alphas-N delivers superior quality while dramatically shortening the process time. Unlike our Alphas-N process,
Conventional Salt Bath Nitriding uses a poisonous and harmful substance; therefore, it has been avoided in the
industry despite its superior properties. Alphas-N solves those problematic issues. Our Alphas-N is now available to
companies looking for a superior product with short lead times at a reasonable cost. Fast turnaround guaranteed!
1). Hot Forging (Large thru Small Dies)
2). Aluminum Die Cast Core and Pins, etc.
3). Aluminum Extrusion Dies
4). General Dies and Blade, Knife for Light Duty
Wood Chipper Knife
Shearing Blade and Knife
All purpose Industrial Knife
5). Mechanical Components and Automotive Parts
Engine Valves
Clutch Plates
Brake Pistons
Hydraulic & Pneumatic Compenents
Piston Rods
Pump Components
Valve Components
Other mechanical componets
Gears and Sprokets
Valve compenentsc
Compressor Components

Great Oxidation Resistance (No Rust)
Excellent Corrosion Resistance
Improved Fatigue Resistance
Less Friction
Reduced Abrasive Wear
Reduced Adhesive Wear
Apperance (Matte Black Surface)

Alphas-N Finished Die
4140 / 3 hrs Process
4140 / 4hrs
H13 Hot Forging Crankshaft
D2 Aluminum Panel Forming
D2 Aluminum Panel Forming
H13 3 hrs Hot Forging